Are you interested in dwarf animals? Do you love those cute little creatures the same as me? Hopefully, the answer will be yes! If you are a person who is interested in dwarf animals, you may know that there are many kinds of dwarf animals which can be raised as pets. Micro pigs, pygmy goats, pygmy hedgehogs are some of very popular dwarf animals. This list also includes dwarf donkeys which I’m going to bring you some interesting facts about.

Things you must know about Dwarf Donkeys
You must definitely know about Donkeys. They too have some cuteness but not like in the Dwarf Donkeys. And also there are many differences in Dwarf Donkeys rather than normal Donkeys. Among other dwarf animals, dwarf donkeys are famous for their cute stupidity. Without further explanations let’s see what the interesting things about these cuties are!
# What kind of body shape do they have?
Dwarf donkeys have the same body shape as normal donkeys. When compared to horses, they have large heads and long ears. Their eyes are at the sides of their heads allowing them to have a monocular vision and a binocular vision. Coat of these dwarf donkeys comes with various colors such as black, white, brown, or spotted. But the most common color is gray.
They also have a huge thick belly and strong legs which are slightly positioned outwards. This is a common feature of dwarf animals. When considering normal donkeys, their height ranges from 36-48 inches and weighs around 400-500 pounds (181-227 kilos). But this dwarf donkeys’ height is less than 36 inches and weighs around 200-450 pounds (91-204 kilos). So literally these dwarf donkeys have half the body size of a regular donkey! Now you may have an idea about how cute they are!

# Where is their native habitat?
These dwarf donkeys are native to Mediterranean islands called Sardinia and Sicily. Dwarf donkeys were first imported to the United States by Robert Green in 1929. He brought one jack and six jennets with him and produced dwarf donkeys in America. According to calculations, there are about 10,000 to 20,000 dwarf donkeys in America by today.
Some reports have pointed out that dwarf donkeys are going extinct from their native habitats. As it is difficult to import dwarf donkeys from Sardinia and Sicily by today, they are being bred in North America and export them to other countries.
# What do they eat?
Like normal donkeys, dwarf donkeys also depend on grasses and grains. They eat shrubs and desert plants as well. They have flat surfaced teeth which are specially adapted for tearing and chewing plants. They use their lips to grab plants and pull them into the mouth. Then they tear them off using teeth. And also these adorable cuties like to have treats from their owners and also from other people. They love to eat fruits and vegetables like oranges, apples, bananas, carrots and turnips.
But owners must care about the feeding of these creatures and should ensure not to overfeed them. Dwarf donkeys usually utilize their feed efficiently, but if they are overfeed, it creates a ‘crest’ or a ‘fat roll’ on their necks. If a ‘crest’ is developed, it will remain there for its whole life! If only poor quality hay is available, it is necessary to give commercial feed to these dwarf donkeys.

# How long do they live?
Usually the average lifespan of a dwarf donkey is 33 years. So if you choose to adopt a dwarf donkey as a pet, you’ll have a pet pal for the rest of your life! When considering their reproduction, dwarf donkeys start to breed at the age of 2.5-3 years. These little creatures have a long pregnant period. They usually have one foal at a time and carry it for 10-14 months to give birth.
Do you know how to find out when a jennet is pregnant? It is a funny fact you must know! When jennets are in heat, they always open and close their mouths like chewing something. But actually there is nothing in their mouths!
# Is it wise to adopt a dwarf donkey as a pet?
In my opinion it is YES! Dwarf donkeys are very adorable creatures. As mentioned before these have stupid cute behavior. It is the most attractive part of these animals as a pet. Dwarf donkeys are herd animals. So they intend to have close relationships with their owners and also with other pets. They become very loyal and friendly to owners as well as other persons just like cats and dogs. Many dwarf donkey owners have reported that these donkeys are very sweet, curious, playful and trainable animals!
# Are these dwarf donkeys safe with children?
Yes, these donkeys are safe to adopt when there are children. If you wish to adopt one, you have to watch over it during the first few months as these donkeys are very playable ones. But with the growth they become very calm and open to cuddles from people as they are placid animals. I say these animals are very safe because they refuse to do anything which can be threatening. When they are afraid of something, unlike other animals they do not run blindly. Instead of that they run a few steps and look what the treat is.

# Can I ride a Dwarf Donkey?
Well, the answer depends on your weight. As their weight ranges between 91-204 kilos, they cannot carry adults. But he can carry kids and pets easily. So if you are a kid, the answer is big YES!
# Who is the smallest Dwarf Donkey in the world?
This may be a question you had from the beginning of this article. Here’s the answer for your question. The smallest dwarf donkey is called KneeHi. He lives on a farm in the United States and its height is just 25.29 inches. He is also recorded in the Guinness World Records Book because of its tiny size!
Are you interested in dwarf animals? Do you love those cute little creatures the same as me? Hopefully, the answer will be yes! If you are a person who is interested in dwarf animals, you may know that there are many kinds of dwarf animals which can be raised as pets. Micro pigs, pygmy goats, pygmy hedgehogs are some of very popular dwarf animals. This list also includes dwarf donkeys which I’m going to bring you some interesting facts about.