Before revealing the places, let’s have some discussion about this geometry. Actually, what is geometry? Geometry is originally a Greek word built with the words “Geo” and “Metron” which mean “Earth” and “Measurement”. So the word can be roughly translated as “Earth’s Measurement”. Euclid is considered as the father of geometry.

                For a long time from the past, humans are attracted to different designs, shapes, and colors. All those are because of geometrical appearance. Whether you are driving a vehicle, having a hike, traveling with friends, or even working in your garden, you can always find geometry around you. I know, now you might be thinking about buildings and architecture around you. But I’m not talking about them. Have you ever considered nature? Nature also consists of many things we find in geometry. Here are some places you can experience the real geometry in nature and some other geometrical examples around your usual environment!

# Wave Rock, West Australia

If you visit Hyden Wildlife Park, you’ll see an inselberg which is similar to an ocean wave in appearance. It is one of the major tourist attractions in West Australia that usually attracts more than 140 000 tourists annually. When considering its dimensions, it is 14m in height and 110m in length. This wave rock is situated in a nature reserve and bushland. It is believed that this wave rock was formed millions of years ago and it has a great cultural value as Aborigines appreciate their mainland.

# Devils Tower, United States

This is an intrusion of magma found in the Black Hills in Wyoming. Native Americans consider this as a sacred place and they have various legends about the origin of this tower. So if you ever visit this place, it is necessary to respect it. As Native Americans still have rituals in Devils Tower, they do not allow travelers to climb this tower. However, they welcome everyone who comes to visit this place and explore its surrounding.

# The Great Blue Hall, Belize

Belize is a country situated near Mexico and Guatemala. This country has an amazing natural wonder, a submarine sinkhole. This is situated near the lighthouse reef and has 124m in depth. It is believed that this sinkhole was formed when the sea level was low in the Ice Age. With time, the sea level increased and the hole filled with water and created this fascinating blue hole. You can visit Great Blue Hall in any season of the year and it is very beautiful when exploring it on a plane or a boat tour.

# Devils Marbles Reserve, Australia

You’ll find this reserve that has a huge religious and cultural value to the native Aborigines in the Northern Territory of Australia. And also this Marbles Reserve is one of the oldest spiritual sites in the world. This site consists of giant boulders shaped with natural forces for millions of years and they are balancing on the surface precariously. If you are planning to go there, it is better to go between May and September as there are lots of facilities. Camping and many rangers during that period.

# Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia

This land consists of 10,582 square kilometers and is known as the biggest salt flat in the world. There were some lakes in this area and once this desert was covered with water. But with time those lakes have disappeared and it caused to uncover this amazing place. This is a very extraordinary flat which consists of a few meters of salt. With this salt and clean air, this area is perfect for satellite calibration. If you ever visit this Salar De Uyuni, you’ll see the hotels that are totally built with salt blocks in there!

# Mayon Volcano, Philippines

This is one of the most beautiful volcanos in the world and it is situated in Albay in the Philippines. The special about this volcano is its perfect cone shape. So it can be identified as a perfect symmetrical volcano. And also it is a very dangerous volcano that has frequent activations and eruptions. In 2013, 5 climbers were killed while climbing this volcano in an active period.

# Salt Mines, Russia

This natural wonder is situated under the industrial city of Yekaterinburg. As a result of a layer of carnallite, this salt mine consists of amazing colorful stripes which decorate walls of the corridors of this mine for miles. These colorful corridors are found below 200m of the surface. So absolutely everyone cannot see this beauty. By today, only a small part of this mine is being used but it is not open to visitors. Unless you have a permit from the government, you cannot visit these mines.

# Chocolate Hills, Philippines

These chocolate hills are one of the most popular in the Philippines which is situated in Bohol. According to beliefs in the Philippines, there was a giant called Arogo and when his love died, he cried a lot and those hills were formed from his dried tears. But scientists have different explanations for this. There are around 1260 hills that are higher than trees. Those formations are covered with grass and when they dry, these hills get brown color. That is how they become chocolate hills. If you ever visit there, you would like to have the most beautiful view of them. Two resorts in there have great viewpoints. Those are Sagbayan Peak and Chocolate Hills Complex.

# Underwater Waterfall, Mauritius

Mauritius is a remote island which is in the Indian Ocean and it is a very attractive tourist destination. On the South Western shore of this island, you’ll see this underwater waterfall which can be identified as the signature of Mauritius. Actually, this is an optical illusion, not a real waterfall.  As Mauritius is a new and still formatting island, it causes an underwater slope and that is the reason for this underwater waterfall. I personally invite you to visit there and have a relaxing holiday on white-sand beaches with the warm water and to explore the mountains there. Specially don’t forget to take a look at this underwater waterfall from the sky!


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