Home Animals These are The Hardest Working Mothers in Animal World

These are The Hardest Working Mothers in Animal World

The animal kingdom is not like our human society. It’s a world that which each animal species depend on any other species. It is especially ruthless to kids and young animals. So the utmost burden of protecting and raising kids is left on the parents of this animal world, especially on the mothers. Sometimes you may think it means the work they have to do after the birth happens. But it is not. They have lots of responsibilities even before birth such as building nests and guarding their eggs against predators.

Actually, some of these mothers put extreme efforts to ensure the survival and protection of their offspring. So I think they deserve credit for their hard work and efforts. That’s why today I’m going to bring you some interesting information about a few such hard-working mother animals in the world.

#Giant Pacific Octopus

Perhaps the giant Pacific octopus mother may be the hardest working marine mother in the world. In a cave or den in the deep sea, she lays up to 74,000 eggs at once. Then she takes care of those eggs for seven months without leaving for a second. The special thing is she doesn’t leave those eggs even for food. It can be identified as an act of self-sacrifice while keeping her babies safe from predators. As female giant Pacific octopus has to survive without food for seven months, she lives off proteins and fats from her own body. Ultimately she dies as a result of this.

#Gray Kangaroo

Gray Kangaroo is another special animal in the animal kingdom. For a female gray Kangaroo, being a mother is all about to do multitasks. Kangaroo babies are born in a short period just like 36 days while in their early development stage. Then the baby moves to his mother’s pouch and remains for about nine months feeding on her mother.

As I mentioned before, Kangaroo babies have a short initial development period. So in quick periods, female kangaroos can get pregnant. So simply we can say kangaroo mothers are nearly permanently pregnant. There is an amazing fact about these kangaroo mothers. If a kangaroo mother carries two joeys at different ages, she can produce different types of milk at the same time to ensure that both her joeys get the necessary nutrients.

And another interesting fact is, that a mother kangaroo can freeze the development of an embryo if she needs it. So she won’t have to give birth to another joey until her previous baby gets enough time period to develop and leave her pouch.

#The Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

These strawberry poison dart frogs can be found in Costa Rican Rainforests. She also has a unique caring style for her babies. She lays eggs on the floor of Costa Rican Rainforests. Those eggs remain there until they are hatched. Then the female frog carries the hatched tadpoles to tiny water pools one by one. She usually carries those tadpoles onto bromeliad leaves but sometimes she takes them to the tallest trees in the rainforest. Then she starts to feed those tadpoles she does it with her unfertilized eggs. She does it until those tadpoles become froglets.


According to my perspective, the strongest bond in the animal world is the bond between an orangutan mother and her baby. During the first two years, the life of the young baby totally depends on her mother. The orangutan mother provides food as well as transportation during those two years. Usually, an orangutan mother stays with her baby for 6-7 years. During that period, she teaches her child what and how to eat things, where to find suitable food, and the technique of building a nest. There is a special bond between female babies and mother orangutans. According to findings, female orangutans visit their mothers often until they become 15-16 years of age.

#African Elephant

The African elephant is the animal that has the longest gestation period of mammals. It is about 22 months. And also African elephants are the ones who give birth to the largest babies among land animals. Usually, a newborn male elephant baby weighs up to 265 pounds. When considering all these things, we can imagine how hardworking these mother elephants are.

During the first 2-3 years, baby elephants totally depend on the feeding of their mothers. During that period, mother elephants ensure to provide supplemental nutrients to their babies and nurse them. When nursing, elephant moms don’t have to work on their own as they have the help of their herd which is entirely comprised of female elephants and calves.


With the appearance, alligators are very though. But with babies, alligator mothers are very caring. They built their nests among rotting compost to use natural heat to incubate their eggs. So they can stand guard without worrying about incubation. When the eggs are hatched, the alligator mother gobbles babies with her jaws and brings them safely to the water. During the first two years, alligator babies stay with their mothers. theyhe continuously protect them during that period because 80 percent of baby alligators fall victim to predators.



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