Imagine that you parked your car in a car park and when you come back, your car is full of bees! You may think is it possible? Of course, it is possible. Today, I’m going to tell you the things you should do in such situations.
First of all, you should not be panicked. Do not call the firefighters and kill those bees. Those bees are traveling and they stop in several locations to rest. They only remain in those locations for several hours.
Just keep in mind, don’t go near them and disturb them! It will make them really aggressive. If you really like to help them and make them go away soon, put a flat container filled with a thin sugar water layer. You’ll be able to see those bees drink that sugar water and grab energy. When they get enough strength, they’ll leave your vehicle and continue their journey.

If they are not leaving, you can call a beekeeper. Beekeepers are experts in removing bees and relocating them to suitable locations. When you call them, they’ll come with proper hive kits, lemongrass oil, and gloves and will ensure the safety of yourself and the bees.
Let’s see what are some reasons that will help bees to select your vehicle. Bees absolutely love sugar. They always fly around searching for nectar. If you have open bottles or cans carrying sugar in your vehicle get rid of them!
Sometimes bees are attracted to sweet-smelling air fresheners and perfumes. The scent of those reminds bees of flowers and they’ll start to think it’s time to pollinate. Another reason may be having a bee nest around the place you park the vehicle. So you must also care about the surrounding when parking your vehicle. These are a few common reasons. There may be some other reasons too.
If they are not leaving, you can call a beekeeper. Beekeepers are experts in removing bees and relocating them to suitable locations. When you call them, they’ll come with proper hive kits, lemongrass oil, and gloves and will ensure the safety of yourself and the bees.

Let me tell you a solution to avoid bees too. The simple and harmless solution is to use Eucalyptus oil. Bees absolutely hate the smell of Eucalyptus oil and they try to avoid it at any cost.
Every time, we must keep in mind not to kill these bees as they play important role in nature. If bees die, it affects the environment as well as humans.